Please Select One Option (required): I want to have a non-exclusive royalty agreement with K–12 Spirit Wear Stores and receive quarterly reports along with my royalty check.I would like to try the program for 1 year without an auto renewal.I want to receive a bi-weekly royalty check, but I do not wish to sign an agreement at this time.
The following information is used in the creation of your artwork. So please double check it for accuracy.
School Name (required):
Mascot (required):
Mascot Art Options (required): Use Clip ArtUpload Mascot Image
If selecting the Clip Art option please describe your mascot image below. For example: "Knight on a horse".
If you have an electronic version of your mascot, logo, symbol, design, or school name you can upload it below. Just click on the "Browse..." button and select your file on your computer. This file must be a .gif, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .eps, .tif, .psd or .ai format and no larger than 1MB.
Upload an Image:
Primary School Color (required): blackbrowncolumbia blueflag blueforest greengoldgreykelly greenmaroonnavyorangepurpleredroyaltealturquoisevegas goldwhiteyellow
Secondary School Color (required): blackbrowncolumbia blueflag blueforest greengoldgreykelly greenmaroonnavyorangepurpleredroyaltealturquoisevegas goldwhiteyellow
Highlight Color (required): blackbrowncolumbia blueflag blueforest greengoldgreykelly greenmaroonnavyorangepurpleredroyaltealturquoisevegas goldwhiteyellow See Color Chart: Color Chart School Initials (eg. Letters that would appear on a football helmet. UHS, BHS...) (required):
Make checks payable to (required): Attention: Address (required): City (required): State (required): Zip Code (required):
Who is the primary contact person? Contact Name (required): Title / Position (required): Phone (required): Email (required):
Additional Comments:
This agreement is BETWEEN K-12 Sprit Wear Stores (K12) having an address of 8983 University Blvd Ste. 104 – 118 North Charleston, SC 29406, AND School Name in Agreement (required): located at School Location (required): (the "School")
License to use Marks: The school grants K12 the non-exclusive right and a license to use the school Marks for marketing, manufacturing, and distribution of apparel and accessories ("Products") sold to retailers and consumers. School "Marks" are defined as school name, nickname, mascot, and related designs, logo graphics and symbols.
School Sales: This agreement shall not affect the purchase and sales of the School’s booster clubs and bookstore in any way.
School Marks: The School warrants and represents that it is the owner of all rights in and to the licensed Marks. The School authorizes its Marks to K12 for the sale and distribution of Products bearing the School’s name, nickname, and related designs, logo graphics, and symbols. This agreement does not authorize K12 to sublicense School Marks to other parties.
Indemnification: K12 agrees to indemnify and hold the School, its officers, agents, employees, and assignees harmless from liability, loss or damage suffered as a result of claims, demands, cost or judgments, including legal fees arising out of the duties and obligations pursuant to license use school Marks in connection with any product sold by K–12 Spirit Wear Stores.
Term/Termination: This agreement will remain in effect for one year and will renew automatically. The School may terminate this agreement at any time for any reason upon written notification to K12. Upon written notification, K12 will immediately discontinue production of any new products but shall retain the right to sell any remaining inventory.
Payments: Payment will be made to the School based on 50% of the K-12 Spirit Wear Stores Retail Website and 25% net sales invoiced to K12’s retail customers every two weeks. No royalties are collected nor paid on direct sales to the school or its booster clubs.
Persons executing this Agreement warrant and represent that they have been authorized to sign this Agreement to legally bind the party for which they are signing:
"School" Name (required): Title (required): Date (required): Phone (required): Email (required):
Note: Completing the information above and clicking the "Submit" button is considered an electronic signature which binds this agreement.
Please prove you are human by selecting the Star.